Setup A Security Update For My Website
[ Monday February 3rd 2025 at 1:11 pm ]
I just did a security update for my web site. I will try to explain this in common terms.
I have a web server installed. This is the computer program that captures the request to access a page from my web site and directs it to the files that run my web site. You could think of this being similar to the home screen on your cell phone that allows you to choose which app to use. In this example the app would be the web page being requested.
I've been getting nearly 40,000 hits a day. I don't mind the traffic that allows search engines (like Google and Bing) to index my website so these are possible results. A large portion of this is from "bad bots". Bad bots create a lot of traffic attempting to hack websites, take down servers by flooding them with bogus web pages and others use your content to develop AI without compensation. I've made my website more secure with the step I just took. Then I used the "Buy Me A Coffee" to express my appreciation for the effort that went into developing and maintaining this.