My Used Bread Maker Has Been Delivered
[ Sunday February 2nd 2025 at 9:03 am ]
The person I purchased a used bread maker from has just dropped it off at my home. I have learned a bit more about the bread maker I purchased. It has not been used during the past year. Prior to this it was only used 2 or 3 times. This matches what I am seeing. The bread maker looks brand new. It looks like it has just come out of the box it was purchased from. I am going to give the pan bread is baked in and the paddle.
I was originally going to make breakfast oatmeal cookies in bulk and then freeze these in preparation for my hip replacement revision surgery. Mornings are the hardest for me. Having my breakfast already cooked will make my life easier. If I am still tired I will be able to go back to bed without perking up. I think this is my best strategy in guarding the time I need to sleep. I desperately need my mental acuity to navigate the time prior to surgery and my recovery. When I get tired my ability to find creative solutions to the challenges my legs create me goes away. I become too mentally fatigued.
When I briefly explained what is wrong and the reason why I purchased the bread maker from this person he gave me a reasonable suggestion: That I should make cinnamon rolls with it today as both a treat in response to the physical challenges I am enduring and to get use to using this bread maker. I think this will be fun. I am going to do this. First I need to do a bit of tidying up in my kitchen. But once this is done I will enjoy this. I enjoy learning and doing creative things. I shall enjoy this. I am hoping by doing this I will be able to figure out any modifications my breakfast oatmeal cookie recipe will require to be prepared as a loaf.