Delivery Of More Moth Traps, UV Light For My Furnace, A Clipboard For Tracking My Pain Medication Usage And Vitamin D3
[ Thursday November 21st 2024 at 1:52 pm ]
An Amazon order I placed has just been delivered. With the exception of food I think I now have most of the supplies necessary to get me through the next 2 months.
- I have order more of the moth paper traps. I am winning the battle to rid my home of the moth infestation that started with moth eggs coming on sunflower seeds for my pet hamster. This might be the last time I am needing to order these. I have been amazed how the "moth to a UV light" has been so much less effective compared to paper traps with pheromones that attract moths. I was expecting the opposite.
- I have purchased a UV light for my furnace. The purpose is to sterilize the air in my home while the furnace is running. My surgeon has explained to me how risky this next operation is. It is worth it for me to have a UV light sterilizing the air in my home to help protect me from infection as I heal from surgery. This is what I am able to have control over and is the biggest risk with having surgery.
- I have made up a chart for tracking my usage of pain medication usage. It requires legal size paper. I have purchased a legal size clipboard to make it easy to use my chart.
- I am low on vitamin D3. When I started using this I had more energy. It means I am able to do more with my life. It is money well spent.