Living Life In A Wheelchair

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Booked Travel For My Next Dental Appointment
[ Friday August 23rd 2024 at 1:44 pm ]

Earlier this year the city where I live contracted an organization that specializes in public transit to review, streamline and improve the public transit for the city where I live. This included some recommendations for the para-transit service offered by the city where I live. Prior to this only 1 person was being transported at a time. The trips were booked in 20 minute increments. This has now been changed to allow the equivalent of car pooling. It means a bit longer for a wait. The time spent on the para-transit vehicle is also longer. However the trade off is the ability to offer same day travel.

They method of booking rides has changed. I am now able to do this using my cell phone. I don't think this is any different than what is used when calling in to book a ride. I think this is the best way of serving the disabled community here in my city. My next dental cleaning is coming up. I have just booked the para-transit vehicle for this. This has been a smooth process. The city has received a lot of flack for changes made to transit. The ones that directly affect me have had a positive effect.