Living Life In A Wheelchair

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My Left Hip Malfunctioned
[ Wednesday August 21st 2024 at 8:39 pm ]

Oh boy. My left artificial hip has malfunctioned. I think I have just experienced a new worst in what my left artificial hip is able to do to me. When my artificial hip malfunctioned just now it felt the same as like when I have accidentally bite my tongue. I can barely take the pain. It is making me feel like I am going to vomit. The pain is that bad right now. I don't understand why the damn artificial hip is doing this to me. This isn't explained by what my hip surgeon explained to me on May 27th. When I have some of my strength back I will need to write a letter asking for another appointment to discuss this. This has happened previously. I needed to satisfy myself that this is an ongoing problem and I could accurately describe this to my surgeon when asking for help. I am confident I am now able to do this. Practically speaking this is the only hope I have for how debilitating it is when the artificial hip malfunctions.