Living Life In A Wheelchair

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Follow Up Appointment With My Surgeon Is Booked
[ Thursday May 23rd 2024 at 11:14 am ]

I have just received confirmation that my follow up appointment with my surgeon is booked. In some ways this can't come fast enough. I am desperately hoping he will be able to help me. My artificial hips are giving me so much trouble. I honestly don't know what I am going to do if he can't fix this. I am feeling really vulnerable. I can't write off multiple days at a time. I am not making forward momentum on my goals. I have the will and desire to do more with my life. I have used inheritance money so I have the equipment to pursue self employment as a practical means of doing more with my life. But my hip is crippling me. I don't understand what is wrong with my artificial hips. But it is insurmountable and needs to be addressed.