Living Life In A Wheelchair

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"You Are Brave"
[ Friday October 7th 2016 at 11:38 pm ]

Earlier in the week I made a video about discrimination I experienced. This evening the polar opposite happened: Someone told me I was brave for using my power wheelchair to drive myself to the pool for my physiotherapy. I briefly responded I am off to the pool because I want to regain my mobility back. For me this has become a situation where the harder I work the more rewarding any progress I make becomes. This isn't to say it is easy. I've experienced numerous setbacks. I've made this video to help those who are struggling face their issues head on. I didn't make the video just to speak and make noise. I've especially made this video to impact those people who are struggling and need encouragement. As we come into the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend there is truly lots to be thankful for in our lives if each of us takes time to reflect.