Performed Server Maintenance
[ Tuesday January 28th 2025 at 4:51 pm ]
The database version I have been using with my website reaches the end of life in November 2025. If the recovery from my next surgery doesn't go well I won't be in a position to do this chore for a few months. Migrating database versions requires a lot of attention to detail. Today I accomplished this. This now gives 5 years before the new version reaches the end of life and must be upgraded. There will be additional versions released during the 5 year period that can allow for upgrades. I want to ensure my website is positioned for a minimum of maintenance while I am convalescing. I am really proud of how far this has come. I am pleased that the self help material I have prepared has the ability to come along side people who turn to the Internet anonymously and need hope. It is very rewarding. I am keen to see this continuing to grow.