Finished A Very Interesting Appointment With My Hip Surgeon
[ Tuesday January 14th 2025 at 4:15 pm ]
I had my right knee MRI on January 7th 2025. It went well. By this I mean 2 things:
1. The MRI technician responded positively when I gave him a print out of how to access my 2022 MRI imaging that occurred at a different facility. I also shared the ultrasound of my right knee performed on December 4th 2024 so the radiologist could have these to compare if something unusual appeared on my right knee MRI.
2. I also felt the MRI was successful in it's logistics. I was able to have good pain control this time around. When my MRI was done I had time to go to the hospital coffee shop for a hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookie. It was a really great visit to my local hospital.
Today my surgeon gave me the results of my right knee MRI. They were not what we were expecting.
I have known since 2017 that there are some spots near my right knee joint. They showed up on an MRI. Then I was sent for CT imaging of my entire body to see if I had a form of bone cancer. The troublesome spots were just in my right knee. They were not cancerous. The message I heard was that these are abnormal but not dangerous.
The health care community has monitored these. They show up each time I have an MRI of my right knee. They were the same as in 2022 as my 2019 MRI. What the radiologist saw when reading my January 7th 2025 MRI and compared to my 2022 MRI is that these have started growing.
These need to be assessed again. My local hospital has an excellent cancer treatment unit. It recently received funds to expand and modernize. My hip surgeon sent a referral to my local hematologist.
The plans for my left artificial hip revision surgery are now on hold until we understand what is wrong and what treatment I need. In terms of a "silver lining" the hospitals in a 2 hour radius have all started using the same computer program effective January 1st 2025. The hematologist will have access to what is transpiring with my artificial hip troubles, the nausea and a grasp of the physical pain I being inflicted on me.
My local hospital did the referral for my right knee MRI on January 1st 2025. The standard for the Province of Ontario is 28 days for a routine MRI. My local hospital is having staffing issues. They were the #1 fastest location to get an MRI for several years. But this has snow slipped. There is approximately a 110 day way. One of the things I do have going for me is that the radiologist assessed my MRI has being a priority. Tomorrow I am going to write a letter to my local hospital asking that this priority continue to be adhered to and in 3 or 4 paragraphs explain the challenges of my left artificial hip and the implications of having to wait longer for this operation to happen.
In terms of what I am thinking and / or feeling: If I have cancer I'd rather know about it. These spots have been known about for 8 years. I am not concerned about it being aggressive yet. I am content to wait until a hematologist tells me this is something to be concerned about. Finally if a doctor had to tell me that I may have cancer I am happy that it was my hip surgeon. I trust him. I appreciate that he thinks out loud. I am also happy that he is willing to admit when he doesn't know something. He was kind to me today while I was with him.