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Left A Phone Message Requesting Pain Management Appointment With Specialist
[ Thursday March 16th 2023 at 12:43 am ]

During an appointment with my family doctor on January 24th my family doctor asked me to have a follow up appointment with my pain control specialist doctor. When I arrived home I sent him an e-mail with the agenda my family doctor asked me to discuss with him. When this wasn't acknowledged I faxed the e-mail I wrote on February 13th. Again with no response I sent an e-mail on March 3rd. There still has been no response.

I am not disappointed by this. I've been maxed out in how much I am able to handle at any one time because of the plumbing issues with my home. However I need to arrange this appointment. I just left a phone message in the hopes of reaching this doctor's administrative assistant. I have medical appointments tomorrow and Friday. If I am called back while at my other appointments my voice mail will take the call.