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Received Help With The Database Query To Make An Interactive Word Game
[ Sunday March 27th 2022 at 12:08 pm ]

I've been thinking a lot about growing my youTube and Twitch audiences. I really enjoyed the games of Scrabble that I played with my aunt as she was dying from cancer. Recently I've been playing this with friends in the evening. I am thinking that I'd like to host regular word games. The one idea I have required some help with a database query command. I am wondering about showing a group of letters (such as 12) and the game would be to figure out all the words that you can spell using combinations of these 12 letters. I've loaded various lengths of word lists into my database. Now that I have the database query for figuring out what words these letters make up I can proceed with making a user interface. The idea I have is to share my screen with people logged in. I think this could become a fun game that would grow. I am trying.