May 2024 Newsletter Edition
The warmer weather is here. It is nice getting outside using my power wheelchair for a few minutes. I like this time of year. I find it very petty when I am able to make it down to the waterfront trails.
My artificial hip is not doing okay. I had the MRI of my left hip and then a follow up appointment with my surgeon. In this instance the MRI was useful in identifying a whole lot of what isn't wrong. It doesn't provide an explanation of why the artificial hip has become so troublesome. But the pattern I identified is helpful. I have a bending restriction for the next 6 months. The hope is that my artificial hip will recover. The surgeon is willing to continue being available to treat me. I am not alone in dealing with this.
I have took the next step to improve my quality of life. I have purchased an over the tub tray. Sitting in the really warm water helps ease the muscle pain in my legs. I have a Bluetooth keyboard, This will allow me to work on my blog while soaking my legs in really warm water. I am trying to find creative solutions to my problems. This seems like it will be a good long term match.
Each year the city where I live offers a property tax rebate for those who are home owners and receive disability benefits from the Province of Ontario. I applied for the 2024 disability property tax rebate. I expect I will be approved once my application is reviewed.
As the month came to an end I organized a mini golf event on my Discord. I had a fun time. It was great having some different people to talk to while we played. This was a nice having a break from the grind that is now my life on account of my left artificial hip.