Thank you for the time you have spent on my web site. I genuinely hope it has been able to encourage, inspire and give hope to those who are struggling and found their way to my part of the Internet.
This is a very exciting time in my life my efforts to support those who live with chronic pain, physical disabilities and rely on wheelchairs for mobility is gaining momentum. This web site is crucial to my plans for expansion. You may have noticed parts of this are "coming soon". I'm plugging away with the programming a bit at a time.
This leads me to the best method for you to contact me. At this moment I'd like to suggest one of the following methods:
I will endeavor to create a contact form in the coming weeks. For now these are 3 methods I monitor. I will your input. I am keen to know what topics are relevant to speak on in my youTube channel. Most importantly to me this is about the real people with genuine needs who use the material I offer to work out the best quality of life and be made aware of what is available for those enduring hardship.
Thank you again for visiting www.Rons-Home.net.