April 2024 Newsletter Edition
April has been a full month. It hasn't been easy on account of my artificial hip continuing to malfunction and the uncertainty this has brought to my life. But I have learned enough strategies to be able to try to live my life.
Prior to my pain management appointment I sent a letter to my pain doctor to read ahead of time. I explained that I wanted to resign from my family doctor because of her obstance towards me and asked if he would assume responsibility for prescribing my pain medicine. He agreed. I will make a complaint with the College of Physicians and Surgeons concerning my former family doctor. To say the least he has not been a team player. It is a net gain to have moved on from her.
My left artificial hip was assessed by my surgeon in early April. It doesn't make a lot of sense for why it is doing this to me. It looks fine on x-ray. I am being sent for an MRI to check the structures around my artificial hip. Then once this is completed I will have an appointment with my surgeon to discuss how we will proceed. I explained how the artificial hip is impacting me and the instability it is causing in my life. I felt heard by the surgeon. I very much appreciated that my surgeon asked good questions and explained his reasoning to me. This is a doctor I am able to work together with to improve my circumstances.
I have decided to try something new. I ordered grape seeds. I think it would be really neat to eat grapes grown by me. I have a memory from 20 years ago eating grapes my sister and her husband grew. Sucking on fruit keeps my mouth moist. This is to combat the dry mouth some of my soft tissue pain medicine causes. I am hoping I can get some growing. If my attempt fails I will buy a starter vine at the local garden center. It is nice to try something new.
I have continued to make progress with my computer network router. I configured the software that will handle the traffic on my computer network and allow devices to connect. It is doing a good job. My first attempt didn't work. I needed a router that has more processing power. This is situated and my website is back online. I am able to shift my focus back onto the router server I am configuring. The computer network router wearing out really validates the need for a router server with the processing power this represents. I think this is going the right direction for me.
I have again borrowed movies from my local library for the next movie night. I am really enjoying these times. If it wasn't for the Internet this wouldn't be something that happens in my life. My local library must have spent a small fortune buying movies on DVD for the community to make use of. It is genuinely nice to have something positive happening in my life.
The month of April ended with a special treat. My sister was to visit me. The city I live in is on the way to visit one of her high school friends. It was really great spending some time together in person. This was a wonderful way for the month to end.