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Tips For Having A Pet Hamster
Are you thinking about getting a pet hamster? Are you trying to get to know your hamster better? These are some tips that will help you in this journey. Hamsters have their own personality. When you put in the effort an enjoyable experience will follow. Over time your hamster will come to really enjoy the time you spend with it.
- Hamsters do not see well. It will be important to talk to your hamster so he or she will learn your voice and come to realize you are safe and their guardian angel.
- Syrian hamsters take time to build trust. This is the same idea as getting to know someone at school, a colleague you work with or someone from a business / club / gym in your community. During the initial few weeks gradually increase the time you hold and spend time with your hamster.
- It will help your hamster be confident if when you pick him or her up you get a hand under their 4 paws as quick as possible. Hamsters don't like the sensation that they are in the air. They like their paws on something.
- Try building a relationship with your hamster using fruits and vegetables. The pieces of fruit and vegetable you give to your hamster should be the size of a trimmed finger nail. My hamster likes to start their day with a piece of lettuce. Then he likes to rotate the other pieces of fruit or vegetables every 3 days.
- I have a CCTV camera setup above my hamster so I can enjoy watching him play when I am asleep. I wanted to get to know my little buddy.
- It is natural for your hamster to like being under something. Look into structures that resemble a tunnel, car port and hut your hamster may use as their home base.
- Consider using 2 water bottles beside each other. This way your hamster will always have water if a shaving gets onto the first water bottle and causes it to empty.
- Use paper shavings. This will give your hamster buddy the most comfort while they are sleeping, allow them to build tunnels and store their food.
- For a Syrian hamster it is important to have a wheel that has at a minimum 10 inch diameter wheel. Otherwise their back is arched and running on the wheel will cause pain as the hamster ages.
- Hamster teeth grow their entire life. They need wood structures to gnaw on.
- Hamster eye sight is very poor but their hearing is excellent. You can avoid startling your hamster by talking to him or her before interacting with them.
- Pay attention to how your hamster responds when petting them. Each hamster has their own preferences of where they like to be pet and what feels good to them.
- Your hamster needs lots of space to play with. Aim for a minimum of 900 square inches. Consider buying used large fish tank or multi story cage.
- Pay attention to your hamster blinking. This is one way your hamster will communicate with you.