Delivery Of The Additional Cages For Forthcoming Hamster Village
[ Tuesday December 5th 2023 at 4:19 pm ]
I already have the first cage I am going to use for my hamster village purchased. It is a two story cage. The catch is that it is made for guinea pigs and requires a second set of bars to be spot welded onto it. I own a spot welder. But the 220 volt outlet to power it is on the outside of my home. It isn't practical to use this until the winter passes.
The model cage I purchased already is now on sale. Limited inventory remains. I purchased two more. These have just been delivered. I am thinking of doing a 6 story home for a single hamster or having (3) 2 story cages. For the 3 hamsters my plan would be to get a hamster every 8 months. This would mean I will still have 2 when the first one dies. I found it very difficult when Rocky died. The suggestion of having 3 hamsters was from a social worker when I asked for advice on how to avoid this in the future.
My right knee buckled for the third time last week. I am going to need several weeks to recover. I just hope things will go well for me this winter so I may tackle this project when the snow melts.