Delivery Of The UPS Battery Backup - Surge Protector For My Drinking Water Filter
[ Tuesday December 5th 2023 at 12:30 pm ]
The UPS battery backup - surge protector that I ordered for my drinking water filter has been delivered! I have purchased this for the final stage of my drinking water filter. The fifth stage is where the drinking water passes through UV light to kill off water born virus and bacteria. The street I live on has above ground wiring. Occasionally the wind causes the power wires to swing and the lights in my home flicker as a result. That rapid on > off > on sequence wrecks the UV light bulb. This is on account of the UV bulb being powered by a ballast that changes the voltage for powering this special light bulb. Each one of these UV light bulbs haveme $15. After this happening for a third I wanted to do something about it. This UPS battery backup - surge protector will protect the light bulb during these instances. It will also keep the UV bulb on during a sustained power outage for several hours. I think I am safe in concluding it was less expensive for me to buy a battery backup - surge protector than to continue replacing the UV light bulb. I will get this installed later today. This will be one less item on my "to do" list.