DeWalt Tech Support Confirmed I Cleaned My New Sump Pump Correctly
[ Monday February 20th 2023 at 5:04 pm ]
Earlier this afternoon I made a few videos to show the technician my sump pump setup, what how I've cleaned the sediment out of my new sump pump after the impeller jammed and what the technician would glean looking at my setup in a video opposed to me describing it. He has responded to me that the video clips have been very helpful.
What remains is for me to buy a pair of polycarbonate cutting boards to act as a platform for my new sump pump to sit on. The idea is that sump pump won't be sucking water off the base of my sump pump pit. The cutting boards will act as a faux bottom of my sump pump pit. This will limit it sucking in sediment and jamming again. Polycarbonate does really well in submerged water applications. My friend Mike is going to pick up a pair of these when he is at work next. The store that sells these in the city where I live is sold out. There are some in stock in the village west of my home where he works.
The technician is wanting for me to have a backup sump pump because of how much my home depends on it. The float switch on the sump pump I am replacing isn't always immediately shutting off at the end of a pumping cycle. The vibrations of the sump pump running are what is causing this. He has offered to send me a replacement switch. It is made by a different manufacturer. This really is going above and beyond what I expected. It is obvious he is doing the bit he is able to help me out. I am really grateful. I am physically tired by the strain my body has been put through over this and the burst water pipes in my kitchen. The technician taking the initiative is one less thing for me to sort out.