Used A Wet - Dry Vacuum To Clean My Sump Pump Pit Of Sediment
[ Saturday February 18th 2023 at 8:39 pm ]
I spent time this afternoon and evening trying to resolve the sediment issue with my new sump pump. I was able to remove about 5 tablespoons of sediment that jammed my new sump pump by washing out the impeller from the underside (where water is sucked in) and through where the sump pump connects to the discharge drain. The DeWalt technician has been very helpful. I have offered to make some short video clips to ask if the technician would review my setup and work to confirm if there are any additional steps I need to take so my setup will be successful in keeping my basement from flooding.
I borrowed a wet - dry vacuum from my neighbour. I cleaned the sump pump pit. That was very profitable. I hadn't realized how it contained sediment. The sump pump I am replacing has stopped making a grinding sound. It only needs the float switch replaced. It sounds times is using vibration to shut off. I am sure I can get a replacement float switch. I will use the new DeWalt sump pump and keep this as a backup. So I no longer think there is the immediate risk of my basement flooding from this sump pump wearing out. I expect I degraded the insides of the sump pump with it sucking on sediment. Having learned the value of preventing sediment in my sump pump pit this was an exercise that was well worth the time and energy I put into it.