Delivery Of The New Weather Station Sensor
[ Saturday August 28th 2021 at 10:51 am ]
I made a very silly mistake when reconnecting my weather station sensor. I gave it a power surge. This destroyed the electronics. At least it was't new and served me for a few years.
I am doing something with my weather station that it isn't exactly designed for me. I set it up to be powered using the electrical grid. The catch is that you can't trench 3.2 volt DC electricity. It turns to heat in a relatively short length of wire and as a result there is no power. Instead I am trenching 12 volt DC and using a step down voltage regulator to reduce it to 3.2 volts DC.
I ordered a replacement weather station sensor last week. It was just been delivered. I've not been able to broadcast weather data during the past week. I want to get it back online using AA batteries initially. Then over several days I will do what is needed to power this using my setup. I am glad to be able to over come this set back. It was a silly albeit honest mistake.