Updating Disability Case Worker With Cost Of Housing And Assets After Paying Off My Mortgage
[ Friday August 27th 2021 at 10:02 pm ]
I had the appointment in late July with the financial planner at my local bank. The purpose of the appointment is to pay off my mortgage. I was told there could be a delay processing the pay out due to covid. This is very understandable. I spoke with my disability case worker to let her know what was happening. The agreement was that I'd let her know what my cost of housing is once my mortgage pay out processed. The payment has now processed. I have a current set of utility bills. I have put these together and house insurance so my client chart could be brought up to date.
This doesn't change my benefit rate I receive. Unfortunately this is a problem with the Ontario Disability Support Program. The Government of Ontario hasn't had the will to keep pace with the actual cost of housing and rate of inflation. I honestly don't know how people receiving the Ontario Disability Support Program manage. For me this is just a formality. This keeps a level playing field. Thankfully completing this is one less thing on my "to do" list.