Appointment With My Family Doctor
[ Friday December 2nd 2016 at 11:15 am ]
I've just finished another appointment with my family doctor. I am glad for this time together. My set of symptoms aren't making sense. My sense is that I need to finish treatment with my physiotherapist for a clear path forward.
My family doctor answered the most important question I have for my life in this moment in time. I am interested in doing some metalworking. Using my hands helps me deal with the set of physical challenges and chronic pain I experience. I am wanting to make a lithium battery and battery charger for my power wheelchair. I wanted to ensure engaging in metalworking won't prohibit me from future MRI examines if they are needed. As long as I wear eye protection and breathing protection when warranted there is nothing to be concerned about.
In terms of my treatment I need to finish getting the mechanism in place for me to attend appointments with the specialist my family doctor is referring me to. My family doctor completed the form for me to receive a medical travel subsidy. I have done the rest of the 'grunt' work and have made arrangements for how this will practically occur. I saw the referral my family doctor prepared. He has spoke highly of me. I am encouraged to contact this specialists clinic to confirm the referral has been received. My physiotherapy treatment urgently needs this consultation to take place.
A decision needed to be made about my future involvement with the surgeon who replaced my hip joints. My surgeon wants to next see me walking four groups of 30 feet with 5 minute breaks in between. I'm physically unable to do this. Instead I've gone backwards in the recovery. This is why I was admitted to a physiotherapist on November 10th 2016. I suggested re-scheduling this next appointment with my surgeon for 8 months from now. My family doctor has told me 4 months is reasonable. This makes sense to me. If I haven't made progress by 4 months the physiotherapist is going to discharge me as untreatable. Lord willing I will get to see the other specialist before too long to try and get my right knee joint under control. I really want to walk again and no longer need my power wheelchair.
My family doctor has done additional research and discovered the lubricating knee injection is no longer funded by Ontario Canada's health care. This is a separate treatment option from the specialist my family doctor is referring me to. This is a blow to my treatment. Various injections were performed on my hip joints to confirm replacing them was the right decision. I feel this lubricating knee injection would have helped confirmed the MRI didn't detect the full extent of specific cartilage deterioration. I could still pursue this if I was given the financial means. However there are enough other treatment options presently being considered that this doesn't need to be immediately pursued.
The most immediate challenge in my day to day life presently is broken sleep caused by my right knee joint. The sharp pain is similar to what I was experiencing with the demise of my hip joints. My family doctor has prescribed the same dose of soft tissue pain medication as we used with my hip joints to address this. I have the option to use a range of this medication. It isn't prescription narcotic medication. It is much safer to use. It is a means to an end. When you are in chronic pain managing the symptoms is just as important as long term treatment.
I've reviewed the clicking - popping followed by pain in my right knee joint with my family doctor. The total instances in November 2016 was 28. I did recall a conversation I had with my family doctor several years ago concerning my hip joints. If my right knee joint is already worn out I am not going to make it worse by engaging in the physiotherapy. At this moment the immediate responsibly (and accountability) for my right knee joint treatment is with my physiotherapist. I am going to try the use of sports supporting tape instead of k-taping provided by the physiotherapist. It should be able to be removed and replaced much more frequently when my knee joint clicking - popping followed by pain occurs. I am agreeable to buying this. I just want help.