Ended My Gym Membership
[ Wednesday May 30th 2018 at 11:15 am ]
I just ended my gym membership. I've been using this gym since spring 2015. The past 8 months have proven this is unsustainable and time to try something different.
- The use of the pool for physiotherapy now results in out of control pain for 2½ days. This is completely unacceptable and unsustainable following 1 hour of exercise. I discontinued using the pool in February 2018 on account of this.
- During the past few months simply the drive to the gym in my power wheelchair was causing out of control pain during the following 2 days. This left me barely able to perform the bare essentials in life.
- Then when I was at the gym I really wasn't engaging in exercise to justify the 2 days of out of control pain
- The cumulative effect this had on my body has caused me to become really worn down. This isn't something I can allow to continue.
- With my physical disability and chronic pain worsening I was greatly struggling simply with the gym building. It is an old building. It was just taking too much effort to function there. This was also degrading my quality of life.
In April I had an appointment with a dietitian. Her office is located within the community health center located less than 5 minutes from my home. Part of the discussion I needed to have was how to manage bowel movements. I was information of their seated exercise program. Making multiple changes to my day to day life all at once is problematic. When it backfires I am left not knowing the root cause. I am having a clean break ending my gym membership. I will enroll in the seated exercise program as soon as logistically possible.
The seated exercise program isn't going to lead to a recovery. It will help me maintain my body. This will give me the best quality of life possible under the circumstances. I am very hopeful this will allow me to start attending to my "to do" list, get my day to day life back on track and in time be able to spend time on my self employment ambition. I really want more for my life. I am willing to put in the effort.