Ordered Vitamin D3, 5% Lidocaine Gel And Magnesium Bisglycinate For Managing My Physical Disability
[ Thursday June 1st 2023 at 1:06 pm ]
I was given a lot of homework to do today by my pain management doctor. I have just set in motion the next two pieces:
Here in Canada 5% Lidocaine gel is available "over the counter". It doesn't require a prescription. Typically this type of local aesthetic is used for someone receiving a tattoo. I know enough as a result of living with chronic pain for years. The gel I purchased and experimented with over the past 2 weeks is suitable for use at bed time. I have just ordered an extra tube of it so there won't be a gap in me using it.
This doctor also wanted me to start taking 5000 IU units of vitamin D3. This is used to improve overall health and well being. The hope the doctor has for me is that my body will rebound faster while I experience the challenges of pain my knee joints create. I have now ordered an 8 month supply. This should arrive on Monday. The doctor was right about me using Omega 3 and Magnesium Bisglycinate. There is medical evidence to support this for managing chronic pain.
I am grateful for this suggestion. I don't know about these things. I have come to the pain specialist for help. It was time well spent.