Appointment With Family Doctor For Skin Tags And Hemorrhoid
[ Monday March 27th 2023 at 10:53 am ]
I finished an appointment with my family doctor. There were two items addressed in this appointment.
There have been two troublesome skin tags. One was on my left buttock. When I repositioned my legs I caused a tear with the friction of it rubbing against the back of my lift chair. There is also a skin tag in my groin that has been problematic. I've hit it a number of times with a towel when drying off. I've been very careful to manage skin breakdown. I don't mind having some skin tags. These two have become problematic. They were both treated with nitrogen.
I bled three times last week while having a bowel movement. One of the bleeds lasted 10 minutes. I wasn't gushing blood. It just wouldn't stop. I thought I discovered a hemorrhoid. I needed to have a doctor check this. I do indeed have an abnormally large hemorrhoid. The hope is that it will shrink with the use of a stool softener and a cream I apply directly to the hemorrhoid. If not it will require specialist treatment. At least there is a treatment plan for this. The doctor explained I am at risk of this due to the use of chronic pain medication combined with sitting a lot.