Next Appointment With Social Worker Helping Me With Grief
[ Friday February 17th 2023 at 2:30 pm ]
The pages we went over from the 7 week group were themed around "guilt" and "anger". I had felt very rushed when this was discussed during the 7 week group because I was in pain from my knee and very tired. I don't do well with emotions when I am tired or experiencing pain. It was very helpful doing this together with another person today. I've realized I was more care free before my knees worsened causing my sleep to deteriorate. Recently I've been getting help improving the quality of life get at night. Although the social worker is helping me with the grief from my aunt dying this is spilling over to be equip me for facing life. I've been really grateful for the time and effort that is being invested in me.
I realize now that I am home the social worker gave me an answer that I have been trying to figure out for the past few months as my right knee has been worsening. What she said to me amounts to instead of wishing the water pipes didn't burst a few weeks ago followed by my sump pump needing to be replaced (and the process not going smoothly because of sediment in my sump pump pit) try to embrace the challenges I face so I'll enjoy life more when I am facing something that is physically challenging courtesy of my legs or unpleasant.
We read the next (I think) 3 poems / short stories and did an exercise on anger and grief. It was good. It is miserable. But I am feeling the effects of the help the social worker is giving me and it being a very positive experience. She also made me feel good when I answered a question of hers that I was not having regrets with my aunt being dead and that I've been embracing life and figuring out what it means to accept my aunt's death. In the midst of all this I am learning about better managing my physical needs and the emotional fortitude it takes to co-exist with chronic pain.
I also dropped off a form I need my family doctor to complete when I arrived. This is for my disability benefits to cover the expense of a para transit vehicle taking me to periodic blood work and possible physiotherapy appointments. The other thing I asked about today was toe nail cutting. I don't want to need my pain medication for reaching for my toes on account of my knees and the 36 hours it takes me to physically recover. I was told this was an option when I joined their medical practice. It remains available. They are going to add me to their foot care rooster. I live so close to the community health care facility that it would be easy for the 10 - 15 minutes it would take to get my toe nails clipped. I am always so glad when I've been able to get out of my home. I buy groceries in the same plaza. I think this work very well in helping me better manage my physical needs and enjoyment in life.