Replacement Sump Pump Is Defective
[ Tuesday February 14th 2023 at 6:13 pm ]
My friend Joe very graciously dropped off my new sump pump yesterday evening and came back when he finished work this evening to hook it up. The idea was to have it here over night in case the dying sump pump failed over night. The upshot is that the new sump pump ran for 1 cycle and refuses to pump any more water. After 75 minutes of troubleshooting we've reached the conclusion that it is defective. He is going to exchange it tomorrow morning and is willing to try again tomorrow night.
This is a bit of a let down. I was counting on this being take care of and off my "to do" list. I do really well when I am able to plan for items. Self announcing problems just aren't compatible with the challenges my legs present. I have other things that needs my time and energy. I really wanted the sump pump off my high priority "to do" list.
The hot water to the kitchen still needs repairing from when it burst approximately 2 weeks ago. In my reasoning the furnace protected from my basement flooding is an even higher priority than having hot water. With having a physical disability I have to ration my energy like people budget people. I moved the wrong way getting out of the tub last night and triggered both my knee joints. I can't tell you for the life of me what the "wrong way" is. Last night was a very difficult pain night. I am feeling weak today. Hopefully tomorrow goes better.