Confirmation From A Program That Will Pay For A Replacement Refrigerator
[ Tuesday February 22nd 2022 at 8:25 am ]
There is a supplemental program to the disability benefits I receive that is for household repairs. I approached them concerning replacing my refrigerator. They are open to covering the expense. I've been asked to get some quotes and then present them. The conversation will continue from there. I am going to look today and tomorrow. I will see what is available. I will see which models seems conducive to my physical disability. The way I bend and reach is very much impacted by my hips and knees. A refrigerator is a major appliance for day to day life. If I purchase the wrong model my pain will spiral out of control ongoing. Once I have a list of 3 - 4 selected I will talk this over with a friend who knows me "in real life" to discuss if it makes sense. Then contact the program with my thoughts and reasoning. I have a plan to address this.