Refrigerator Worn Out
[ Tuesday February 22nd 2022 at 3:21 am ]
My refrigerator has worn out. I have a thermometer that sits inside my refrigerator (similar to what a public health official uses) to see an actual temperature. When I opened the refrigerator just now it showed 51 degrees F. I went and got my constructive infra red thermometer. It showed the air blowing air coming from the compressor as 51 degrees F. They are in agreement with each other.
I asked a friend of mine who is a licensed electrician if he'd help me for a few minutes over Facebook Messenger. I told him what I just said and that the compressor hasn't shut off in a few hours. He first wanted me to check the back of the refrigerator. He wondered if a heat sensor was blocked in the coils and this would be a simple fix. The coils on the refrigerator I own are encased in the back. There is no easy serviceable option. To repair the refrigerator would cost more than the original purchase price.
The bigger concern is that the compressor wasn't shutting off. He told me to immediately unplug it because of the fire risk a continual running compressor creates. The heat coming from a continually running compressor could melt a wire, cause the power to arc and start a house fire. This is the end of my refrigerator.
I am tired. I am honestly too tired to think about what now. I am going to have some food spoil because of unplugging the refrigerator. But so be it. A house fire is significantly worse. I will figure out a plan tomorrow. I need sleep. I was watching a video discussing air crash investigations. One of the experts said when there is an emergency the best thing to do is get a coffee and then think about how to respond when at all possible. I am not sure that he meant this literally. But I do agree with this. Starting fresh tomorrow is the way to go. Nothing more can be done tonight.