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Breaking The Cycle Of Poverty In A Community
Address The Reasons Why Residents Turn To Drugs
Set out on a fact finding mission. Talk, listen and understand what the usage of drugs allows the residents to escape from. Be respectful while having these conversations. Talk to the front line workers at food banks, meal and clothing programs. Ask the human resource department at large employers what they are hearing. Make an inquiry from the police service covering the village, city or town where you live to summarize their findings. Also inquire at your local chamber of commerce and business development office what input they have to offer. Find out what information your local hospital emergency department or urgent care clinic has to share. Group together similar reasons. Then set out to create a booklet that identifies causes with existing program already on offer. Where no solution is already offered provide Internet based resources. In addition list programs you've heard about that are making a positive difference and widely accepted. Make your booklet available to contacts you will have developed during your research. Put in the effort to keep your booklet current on an annual basis.
Provide Drug Addiction Therapy
Make Mental Health Support Readily Available
Address Homelessness
Help People Graduate From High School And Complete An Apprenticeship With Employable Job Skills
Provide Job Advancement Training
Have Politicians Who Tirelessly Serve Their Community
Treat People With A Sense Of Respect And Dignity
Acknowledge People In The Community Who Are Making A Real Difference
Make It So People Aren't Focused On Just Surviving And What They Will Eat Next So They Can Instead Be Focused On Making Something Out Of Life
In Short: Acknowledge The Weaknesses And Barriers That Exist. Then Aggressively Address Them