Welcome to my blog!
- I keep this as a companion to my youTube channel: To help put my videos into context. The topics I share are an extension of my life.
- This is also for my Patreon sponsors: This is to help share and be accountable for how I use the money given to me.
- Finally this is a skill given to cope with pain: It is a helpful and healthy outlet.
Thank you for joining me in my journey.
Pair Of Water Bottles Purchased For Some Seated Cardio
[ Sunday November 3rd 2024 at 11:51 am ]
I asked my friend Brandon if he'd stop in at WalMart after church today to buy something for me. He has just been to my home to drop off the purchase and have a short visit. By Brandon doing this he saved me the physical pain of doing this chore myself and spending the following 3 days in bed.
I asked him to purchase (2) 1 gallon drinking water bottles. In 2018 I was taught how to do seated cardio using a pair of water bottles. These 1 gallon models mean I can keep adding water as I build my strength. They are like a variable weight barbell. The ability to add more water means I am able to get the most out of it.
The reason for this is to help my heart be healthy in preparation for the operations where my artificial hip will be replaced. By using 1 gallon water bottles I am able to vary the amount of water in it so I get the most possible out of this.
When Brandon dropped these off it made me feel loved and cared about. My friends aren't surgeons. They can't fix what is wrong. This is something a friend is able to do for me. It made me feel loved. In a very practical way he is helping me get my body ready for surgery #8.