August 2023 Newsletter Edition
I can't believe it is already the end of August. Time has a funny way of passing.2023 is now more than half gone. It is amazing how the time is passing.
I have spent time this month adding some new features to my website. I am genuinely pleased with the progress and the people that will be supported from the content I have added to my website. I have created a tip of the week for individuals who live with anxiety. I imagine this is just as crippling as my physical challenges. I expect some people would also experience shame from not being the man or woman they want to be on account of their anxiety. I am genuinely hoping this will help change lives for the better. I have also started a thought of the day. the premise for the thought of the day is to both challenge and also edify those who make use of this. I am interested to see how both grow and the impact this will make.
I made an appointment with the social worker at my family doctor's office. I wanted to ask for input concerning the continued deterioration of my knees. Realistically if this continues on without surgical intervention I am going to require some practical help. I can't have my life being a physical marathon. I want to be able to enjoy my life. I don't want to be firefighting as such. I am not yet sure what will come of this. This is a conversation that I needed to start having.
I have had my next dental appointment. I am on track with brushing my teeth and what this is able to offer in preventative dental health care. I am contemplating getting a stool to sit on while I brush my teeth. At this point this is what I perceive as the only weakness in my oral health care. I wouldn't be ashamed to use a stool to sit on while brushing my teeth. I am sure some women use one while making themselves beautiful. I want to look more into this.
I have experienced more nuisance alarms. I really don't like it when my smoke detector goes off. In this instance the smoke detector had a sealed lithium battery that caused the nuisance alarm. I am glad this doesn't create lingering doubt for me . At least it has alerted me for a reason.
I was able to have a picnic yesterday. I really enjoyed this. It is such a beautiful country that I live in. I really enjoyed just being in nature. I used the lunch bag I purchased with the $50 a cousin gave me to buy myself a birthday present. My lunch bag is red and is insulated. It is easily seen hanging off my power wheelchair. It has worked perfectly take some nature photos, stop for a meal and then take pictures for another 45 minutes. I am really glad I did this.