February 2024 Newsletter Edition
The month of February has come and gone. It feels like yesterday when it was New Year's Eve.
My left artificial hip continues to malfunction. The pain this creates is sucking my energy and leaving me feeling physically weak. The instances of my left artificial hip malfunctioning have been increasing in frequency. It is making me feel nausea. I have started using 12 hour Gravol. When I don't feel like I am going to vomit I am able to have better quality rest while sleeping and I am able to be more productive. I am trying my best. It is obvious there is a serious problem with my artificial hip. When I went back to the hospital an urgent referral was prepared and sent to a young surgeon. The idea of the emergency department doctor in the city where I live is that I would build a relationship with the doctor and he would follow me throughout the next 20 years of his career. This makes sense to me.
The day after the referral for my left artificial hip to be replaced was prepared I experienced a random act of kindness. Someone I know purchased a pizza for me and had it delivered to my home. This made me really grateful and not feeling alone with my orthopaedic issues. When these things happen it keeps me motivated for several weeks. I am so grateful this happened.
I have started working on the setup of my router server. This is the appropriate option since I hope my website myself using my Internet connection. Otherwise I keep burning out residential routers. This is the best long term strategy towards my self employment aspiration. I really want more for my life. I am willing to put in the effort. I hope something will happen that brings about the growth needed for this to be a viable career for me. I am enjoying the process along the way. If nothing else I will have impacted a bunch of people along the way with the content on my website. This in itself is rewarding.
The pain from my left artificial hip malfunctioning is becoming unrelenting. It has been a very physically demanding few months. I am not wanting to go through this alone. I decided to get a hamster now. When the hamster village is setup I will move him in. What I am missing is the noise a hamster living in my home with me creates and cuddling Rocky The Hamster. I really enjoyed Rocky being present in my life. I really want this back. My friend Andy is going to help me get the fish tank setup for my next hamster and i will get him in March.