November 2023 Newsletter Edition
It is amazing that we are at the end of November. I honestly don't know where 2023 has gone.
I had another appointment with my pain management doctor. I am really suffering. The physical pain is causing me to feel jet lagged. I am not sure what is up with my knees. It seems like my arthritis is worsening since I haven't had a fall or experienced new trauma to my knees. I haven't slept well or several weeks. I am not feeling well. I haven't been able to complete what I set out to do this month. Consequently I have focused on having smaller victims this month to keep me motivated.
I have arranged maintenance for my power wheelchair. Once the replacement tires and bearings arrive at the mobility store I will arrange a date for this to occur. I really do rely on my power wheelchair. I think about this when the time comes for it to undergo maintenance. It serves me well. I wouldn't be able to do near as much with my life if I didn't have it.
We had another movie night on my Discord. Sadly this ended really badly for me. My right knee buckled again as I was taking a few steps after the movie ended. I started to fall on the floor. I was able to grab onto my wheelchair and stop my fall mid way. I am heart broken. I don't want to get injured. This is the third time my right knee joint has done this. Each time it doesn't fully heal. The entire month of December is going to be very physically challenging as my knee recovers as much as is physically possible. It has been disappointing going from watching a movie with my friends to the extreme of having my right knee further deteriorate.
One of the highlights in November has been a gift of hot chocolate powder. This was from someone I have been playing computer mini golf with several times a week for the past 2½ years. It was really for this gift. It has helped encourage me
The one thing I have done for myself is buy a frozen turkey to roast for Christmas. I try to have a turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas each year. This helps make the holidays special. Each year I put a lot of effort into making a photo montage video of the Christmas yard decorations people display. I do this for people who are shut ins and aren't able to take part in this community aspect of Christmas. Having turkey is for me to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus and the love of my friends in my life.