July 2023 Newsletter Edition
July has been a flowing month. I am limited in what I can do on account of my physical disability. But overall I have lived at a pace I am able to sustain. Nothing broke and demanded my immediate attention. I don't do well with self announcing problems. I felt productive and didn't feel like I was wasting my life.
I did my income tax return for 2022. I have a disability tax certificate registered with Canada Revenue Agency. I won't be penalized for the late submission. I enjoyed working on it. I am not afraid to admit when I need help. When I can do for myself and doing so doesn't interfere with completing other goals I prefer to.
At the request of my pain management doctor I have tried knee bracing again. This has been an utter failure. This would have been effective a few years ago. The pressure it puts on my knees in order to be helpful is causing me pain. This is a situation where the cure is worse than the ailment. The silver lining in this situation is that this bolsters my case to have surgery on my knee.
I have been thinking about my life, my goals and living a meaningful life. I have been thinking about where I want to go with my life and working backwards to figure out what needs to happen for this to take place. The Federal Government of Canada have a Registered Disability Savings Plan for severely disabled Canadians. In Canada once you are 65 the federal government becomes responsible for you. The Registered Disability Savings Plan is meant to cover the expense of keeping my power wheelchair maintained and for equipment I use in my day to day life that helps me maintain my independence with the impact of my physical disability.
Since just before the pandemic was declared I began playing computer games before I sleep at night. The battery in my headset is worn out. Since the headset works fine I have decided to just replace the battery. I put in an upgraded battery that fits the empty space. it means I can now be on a call for up to 8 hours. These relationships are really important to me. It means I don't have to live my life alone. I don't feel alone in the world. I am happy for what this repair means to my quality of life and the love I am able to experience from my close friends.
Rocky The Hamster is being a champ about his medical treatment. The freezing treatments are preventing the abscess from worsening. He doesn't fuss when I am doing this to him. I am hoping Rocky will make it to his second birthday. I am so glad he has been here with me and the noise he creates that makes my home feel like it is lived in.