September 2022 Newsletter Edition
While the month of September started well for me it has ended horribly. My right knee joint buckled for a second time on the last day of the month. As my knee gave out I fell backwards. Thankfully I landed on a chair. My right knee is not okay right now. When this happened to me in December 2021 it took the following 6 weeks to recover. Then I was left with more physical challenges. The upshot is that the entire month of October is now going to be very physically challenging. It isn't realistic to expect that I will make progress on my goals. This really has upended my life.
I finished changing the ventilation exhaust fans. This was routine maintenance for my home. When the motor was burning out on the first unit I wanted to replace all three. I use these exhaust fans for more than just their intended purpose. Using the bathroom exhaust fans is a sneaky way of venting heat out of my home during the summer months. During the day time this helps prevent me home from warming up. In the evenings it draws in the cooler air from outside. Additionally I use a 10,000 BTU window air conditioner placed near the center of my home. The bathroom exhaust fans change the convection currents in my home. They draw and spread the cool air the window air conditioner is making throughout my home.
During September I was able to get some more of the shed wall strapping completed. This is changes the studs from being able to hold insulation bats made for 2" x 4" studs. Instead I will be able to use insulation bats made from 2" x 6" studs. This amounts to the cost of heating and air conditioning being permanently lowered. If I am going to use the space year round I need to be comfortable working out there. This is very promising. In practical terms the potential income this physical space represents amounts to improving my my quality of life. It is worth the effort. I am so grateful for the friends who are helping me with this process.
I have begun preparing Ethernet for out there. I have a few things in mind for this. The types of devices Ethernet is conducive with is:
- Live streaming the woodworking in progress
- Voice over IP phone service
- Streaming videos for myself as I am working
For me it is worth the effort to include Ethernet during the renovations.
When I reached the 1 year anniversary of my aunt's death and funeral I began missing her. I asked if the social worker at my family doctor office would help me with the grief. It isn't that this is paralyzing me. The challenge is that I am experiencing much more pain and broken sleep compared to the last time someone close to me died. It is going to be much easier for me to talk to someone than working this out on my own. I am initially having some appointments getting to know the social worker. Then we will start diving head long into my aunt dying. I am having my appointments with the social worker every second week. Additionally she has asked me to join a grief support group. I am looking into this. There is a hospice organization based in the city where I live. With the way my legs are I really need this to be Internet based. It isn't practical to think I will be able to be consistent in attending a group in person. Although this is miserable it should prove helpful.
I have some very nice Remembrance Day pins. I keep one on my spring / fall jacket. Then I have a second to wear on my sweater or shirt. Additionally I keep some extras here to give to Canadian military service members. I mailed three of these to a service member I've built a friendship with courtesy of the Internet over the past 9 months. These should arrive at his home in time for use in Remembrance Day 2022. One is for my friend. I included two more for the service members he closely work with each day. On account of my physical disability I've been afforded a slower pace of life. In part I've watched a number of world war 2 documentaries. I've been very interested in the attack on Midway, Operation Mincemeat, Agent Garbo, the Enigma machine and farming in Britain during world world 2. These are all very fascinating topics.
I had another picnic at the Bay of Quinte. I thoroughly enjoyed the picnic I had in June and wanted to have another one before the weather cooled down for winter. I am genuinely grateful for the suggestion I was given to do this. It has been really lovely going to the waters edge and enjoying a meal while watching the various wild life. It is so peaceful. With my life now being upheaved because of my right knee buckled I am very glad I did this.