February 2021 Newsletter Edition
The month of February has been one of making changes and trying new things. This is with the hopes of improving my finances and to have a better quality of life. The disability pension benefits I am receiving aren't keeping pace with inflation. It isn't a long term solution. I also want more for my life and am willing to put in the effort.
In January I ordered a new desktop computer. I was using a laptop computer manufactured in 2012. It reached the end of it's service life in December. I did my research and ordered the new computer in January. On account of covid delivery took 5 weeks. The order coincided with a wave of infections. To keep delivery company employees safe the processing time for shipments took much longer. It is here. I've started playing Wreckfest before I go to bed at night. This is a racing car game. I ordered a gaming headset separately. We all talk on Discord while playing. There is a core community that chat each evening. It seems like this is a community where I could belong. Certainly this would help fill a void covid has created in social engagement and interaction.
This computer presents me with a new opportunity. It is capable of crypto currency mining. The passive income potential far exceeds the cost of electricity consumed. I believe this is able to generate about $180CAD a month in income. This is money I am able to then put into my pursuit of self employment. I am trying to finish the physical setup while keeping my youTube channel going and at least maintain what is already setup on my personal web site. Part of how I wish to use the money is setup a designated area for recording my youTube videos. This is the next natural step for growth. I have a plan for the big picture. There is still much to do. I am good at subdividing into manageable sized pieces that tend not to overwhelm my physical disability.
In trying to take care of my physical disability I found the phone number and extension for the manager of diagnostic imaging at the orthopaedic clinic I've attended for my hip replacement surgeries. I left him a detailed message. I want to get the x-rays of my hip joints on CD so I may load this into my PocketHealth account. This is the only missing imaging. I've gathered the rest up. Given the chronic nature of my physical disability this service is helpful. The images are allowed to be purged after 10 years and only reports remain. This gives the ability to do long term comparison of my joints and help advise and treat the various symptoms as they arise. I expect the hospital will cooperate with my request. Anytime I've advocated for myself and explained the "why" and "how" behind my request I've seen administrative staff go out of their way to help me.
I am again using my physiotherapy ultrasound machine to treat pain in my hips. They are rigid. I can barely sit right now. I am just not comfortable. The use of physiotherapy ultrasound is helpful with my symptoms. Most importantly the physiotherapy ultrasound machine is here in my home and able to be used when the symptoms are present instead of trying to get an appointment at a physiotherapy clinic. I am trying to make the best out of "plan B" for my life and willing to do what I can to help myself.