April 2021 Newsletter Edition
The month of April has been a blur. I haven't been able to spend time how I wanted to. But this is a matter of prioritizing what is needed and not choosing to do what is the most rewarding.
The month started with the unexpected. I had a break and enter into my shed. One of my neighbors was on the ball. Hey chased the intruder off their property and proceeded to watch him break into my shed. They alerted me. I promptly called 9-1-1. It was amazing how fast the city police responded. The intruder was known to the police. He appeared very much under the influence of drugs. He was arrested and pled guilty. Before the police arrived he tipped over the shelves containing my tools and then began to throw them around. This left me with an absolute mess. As well the intruder threw my pneumatic nailer through the window facing the street causing the glass to break.
One of my friends has very graciously stepped up and is willing to aid me in the cleaning up of the mess the intruder created. With my physical disability this will consume my efforts for the next few months. I've started thinking about the cleanup. I contacted the owner of the family run pet store where I buy Mike his hamster feed. They are happy to give me boxes for the clean up. In fact I picked these up using the mobility scooter trailer I recently adding the LED lighting onto. With such a mess I think the best is to box up my possessions in three categories:
- Keep
- Donate
- Garbage
I am hoping I will be able to go at a pace that won't trigger my physical disability while making reasonable progress when my friend is available to assist me. I feel bad about the mess. On the other hand it is just stuff and what is needed can be replaced if needed. As I've been going through my home I hope to be ruthless in getting rid of what I no longer need. Over the past few years I've been thinking a lot about my life, goals and what I am able to reasonably accomplish. I am able to apply these principals to what tools building materials are purposeful for my goals during these next few years.
Saddy the cancer treatment for my aunt hasn't been successful. She has been admitted to palliative care. I care about her. I've been trying to support and make time for her on my aunt's schedule. The Internet has given us the ability to play Scrabble. She enjoys this. Playing presents a natural opportunity to chat. Although there are times when simply the presence of another person being with you is all that is needed. We don't always talk. I know from my own life and medical treatment that there is a balance in this. I've found a used Chicken Soup For The Soul book on eBay. I mail ordered this to my aunt. Immediately after paying I contacted the seller to express my thanks in helping support her end of life care. The seller refunded me and had his daughter hand write "With much love Ron. Please let me know if you need anything". My aunt has had 84 really good years and 1 tough year. I'll miss her when she dies. This has been a very special.
I've had to keep the rest of my life going while spending as much time possible with my aunt. I placed another bulk grocery order with the local WalMart. One of my friends picked up the groceries and delivered them to my home. This was very helpful. There is a balance in asking for help. Generally when I've asked a friend to assist me they have graciously done so. I've also been able to complete my personal income tax return for 2020. I am glad this isn't hanging fire over me. I also ordered another supply of magnesium bisglycinate. Some of the muscle pain I experience is managed by this and is very effective. I've ordered a sufficient supply to get me through the spring and into the summer months. I am glad this is taken care of. I need to keep my personal affairs in order to be available to supporting my aunt.