September 2020 Newsletter Edition
The month of September has been a bit of a grab bag. I've been making progress. But my focus has been split. It has been a month of almost fire fighting what has been needing immediate attention. None of this has been a particular waste of time. I am able to manage 3 concurrent projects well and this keeps me from becoming bored. This hasn't been the case during the month of September and I do need to get back to this as soon as practical.
In August I submitted my Ontario Electricity Support Program renewal application. I received a new 5 year term approval. This is a program offered by the Province of Ontario. It isn't specific to receiving disability benefits. This is a safety net offered to low income households. The 5 year term approval I receive is based on receiving federal Government of Canada disability benefits. For the households who receive approvals for shorter terms it is just a matter of submitting a renewal application to ensure you continue to be approved. It isn't a big deal. I am glad this is taken care of.
I purchased a label printer as the next step in pursuing self employment. It is used. I've struggled over several weeks to figure out how to get it working in Linux. Ironically it was easy to install in my Windows 10 computer. I located instructions on one of the Brother international websites that showed the step I was missing. I am glad this is up and running. I've also received my Canada Post small business approval. I now receive a discount for shipping parcels. These were the next two steps is getting my laser engraver up and running.
One of the fringe benefits that has come from having a physical disability has been the ability to be a role model and inspire young adults in the community where I live. I can't hide my physical disability. Seeing the effort I make in life inspires those who know me "in real life". I purchased an outdoor ash tray for the young adults who smoke to use for their cigarette butts. I don't smoke. I try hard to show respect and understanding. I am glad this in place. In part this will be useful for the young adult who is going to install the metal roof on my shed. He is interested in a career in building and being a general contractor. This will give him the opportunity to try in what is a straight forward roof installation.
The vertical freezer I ordered has finally arrived. There has been a significant delay due to covid and the manufacturing process. The main thing is that it has arrived safely. The chest freezer this is replacing had become too hard for me to use. Physically speaking the reaching - bending motion had become too challenging for me on account of my physical disability. I've ordered a vertical freezer to replace it. As a strategy for co-existing with my physical disability I rely upon cooking my meals ahead in bulk and freezing them. In practical terms this freezer represents quality of life.
When I was around 11 years old I saw a dwarf banana plant for sale at Zellers. I asked my mom if she would buy it for me. She declined. In my local Home Depot I found drward banana plants for sale. I purchased one. I've still been interested in seeing it grow. I am unsure if I will actually get fruit from it. On the other hand it will be neat to see it grow and care for it. A while back I read a news article where a doctor gave one of his patients with chronic pain a banana plant. The patient was really struggling with chronic pain after a serious motor vehicle accident. It helped turned his life around. He turned growing bananas into a profitable business. I tend to think doctors are smart people. I am wondering what good will come out of this in my own life. I am willing and wanting to give it a try. They do require daily attention with their vast consumption of water. It will be neat to have a plant growing in my home again (apart from my few cacti plants beside my audio recording equipment.)