February 2020 Newsletter Edition
The month of February has been promising. In many ways this has set the stage for me to transition to the next season of my life.
In November 2019 I changed my weather station to be powered from the electrical grid. This quickly backfired on me. A few weeks later the condensation formed (as a result of the heat given off by the electronics and humidity in the air) the DC voltage regulator short circuited. I have consulted with my friend who is a licensed electrician. I have ordered the parts to re-do the power distribution including dehumidifying the air. I've ordered the parts online. When they start arriving I will begin the preparation. I am hoping to have help with the physical installation in June 2020. I don't want to rush so I may enjoy this process.
I ordered a built in 5 stage water filter and began to install it. It has become way too challenging for me to physically refill my Brita Water Filter. I can't physically take the pain and punishment this involves. I evaluated the pros and cons between ultraviolet based and reverse osmosis. The ultraviolet water filter with stages to remove small particles made the most sense to me. I really like the idea of ultraviolet killing any bacteria in the water before I drink it. I have purchased 3 faucets for my system. This will allow me to get drinking water at the same time as being in the kitchen or using the washroom. I am trying to make the most of my circumstances and do what I have control over to manage my pain.
I finished the month by placing a large grocery order. I have purchased the build of ingredients I will need for the next 3 to 4 months. This works really well for me. I select already frozen vegetables and meat. Of course non perishable groceries will be stored in my pantry. One of my friends graciously brought me to WalMart for a "Buy Online > Pickup In Store" order. It is a load off my mind. I want to be able to spend my time doing the tasks that bring me joy and taking steps towards my self employment goals. Focusing a week on meal preparation and freezing my meals frees me up to do this. As well this gives me the most control over managing the immediate symptoms of my physical disability.
I am hopeful about my life. I'm trying. I'm really grateful for the practical help friends provide. It is obvious I'm going to need to increase the help I receive going forward due to the deterioration happening in my hips, knees and ankles.