August 2019 Newsletter Edition
I've spent the month of August taking care of myself. I've been focused on improving my quality of life. I very strongly believe in leading by example. The videos I share are lessons I've gleaned from living with a physical disability, chronic pain and life with a power wheelchair. It is very practical details that I'm able to cut to chase and share with others. By taking care of myself I feel better equipped to share what comes from the very practical experience.
I have a Pocket Health account to archive all the imaging performed in the maintenance of my physical disability. Now that the surgeon who replaced my hip joints has retired I've request all the imaging performed on me. It is easiest for me to provide a narrative to an orthopedic surgeon using the dates of the imaging as a point of reference. For someone with a long term physical disability the Pocket Health service is extremely helpful.
I've found that it is easiest for me to open the door using a handle (and not a knob) while using my power wheelchair for mobility. I've changed the knob for the main entrance to my home in order to make my life easier. This means I won't have to bend in an awkward and painful way to enter my home. As well using a handle doesn't require as much precision as a door knob. I find the little things are what makes managing my physical needs easiest.
Neither of my hip joints have recovered following my hip replacement surgery. I haven't been able to complete a successful physiotherapy for hip replacement surgery due to the deterioration in my knee joints. I am again finding it too hard to bend and tie up my shoe laces. I have decided to purchase a pair of shoes which use Velcro instead of laces. I am expecting this to make my life easier. I had a pair of shoes which used Velcro before my hip joints were replaced. I think this is a strategy I am needing to return to. Otherwise I am not going to be able to maintain my independence. At least with Velcro I'll be able to put on my shoes using a reacher - grabber.
I've continued to work really hard towards getting my weather station setup. I am needing durable high strength paint to protect the welds I've made from rusting. I am also wanting my setup to be durable for the long term. I decided to use bake on enamel paint. I purchased a toaster oven to use outside because of the smell created when baking enamel paint. I had an amazing deal. A local department store had one of the largest models on sale 55% off. I am sure this will serve me well throughout my life.
My paper shredder wore out. I'm not really surprised. I scanned all the utility bills in my filing cabinet and then shredded them using this paper shredder. It did work hard. I've decided to buy a home office paper shredder. I am needing something that is taller to accommodate my physical needs. I figure if I buy a home office one it should last me for several years.
I'm making progress towards my goals. I sometimes wish I could get through this stage of my life faster. I'm wanting to spend my time investing my life in others. However I have learned that the fundamental foundation for how I live my life shouldn't be rushed and will serve me well in my adult life.