November 2017 Newsletter Edition
November 2017 hasn't been easy for me. I need to be honest and candid in this monthly update. While I am sitting her writing I am also thinking.
I am having some very serious challenges with my pain control. When this happens it spills over into virtually every area of my life. There has been at least 6 separate times during this month where I should have reported to my local hospital for help regaining control over my pain. I obviously can't keep going on this path indefinitely. Obviously what has been prescribed isn't properly working.
The only real influence I have on my pain control is to have a tighter sleeping pattern. I know a consistent sleeping pattern helps lesson the intensity of chronic pain. The same happens when listening to music. I've now been able to finish hooking up the stereo to my power wheelchair. I've been enjoying listening to the radio. In the near future I need to convert my music to MP3's so I am able to bring it with me and use it as I go back and forth to the pool each week night.
The pain I experienced this month made me feel very weak. In turn there has been several times this month when it has been a struggle to get the bare essentials of life accomplished. If I am not improving within a few months I need to seriously think about having someone living with me who is involved in taking care of me. There is no social program I quality for that will fund someone coming in to help me.
While this has been going on I have been loosing confidence in my family doctor. I can't continue indefinitely agreeing to disagree over a diagnosis with him. I need to have a frank heart to heart conversation with my family doctor when I have my next appointment. Otherwise I need to set things in motion that will result in me switching family doctors.
I am pleased with the progress I've made with the uninterrupted power supply modification. I am modifying it so I can have a battery bank and a paid of USB charging ports. This particular UPS protects the server that hosts this web site. This has really been my key accomplishment during the month. Part of the modifications required electrical soldering. I used some of the money from my Patreon sponsors to purchase a propane blow torch.
The other really rewarding time for me was helping a grade 11 student with his home work. He asked me to do this. I was over to his home for an evening. It was really neat sitting at the table with him while we working at his home work.
I hope December will be a better month.