April 2017 Newsletter Edition
April 2017 has been a roller coaster of rewards and challenges. Quite honestly this reflects my treatment since 2006. There have been no lack of rewarding and special moments in the midst of the challenges I face because of my physical disability and the effects of chronic pain.
During April 2017 a close friend has been helping me develop a new version of this web site. What this will bring is compatibility with PDA and mobile devices. Adding new features to the web site will be easier to create. This is also very important because of the effect pain on me. I have to make the time while I am able to be active fruitful. Although this is taking time to learn I am pleased with progress. A few key items remain to be programmed before the new site goes live.
While out doing my errands on April 23rd the motor brushes in my wheelchair from 2010 began to disintegrate. This forced my hand in beginning to use my new wheelchair. I had the key modifications in progress already. These include adding LED lighting for night time driving safety and the foot rest adjusting at the touch of a button to help manage my knee pain.
For me the highlight of this month was on April 24th. My youTube channel passed it's 30,000th view. I've come to really enjoy making videos about my life, the logistics of using a power wheelchair for my mobility, strategies for managing the challenges of chronic pain, supportive videos for youth in the transition into adult life and overall sharing the hope I have for life.
My Easter Sunday celebration was quiet. My dad came to visit me over night on the Tuesday following Easter. We had a good visit. He is receiving palliative chemotherapy for liver cancer. The next treatment was scheduled for the following Monday. Although I am concerned I learned a lesson from one of my drivers a few years back. He transported a patient who cancer treatments. Eventually the patient was declared "cancer free". Sadly this individual died of a heart attack 2 days later. You honestly don't know what life will bring and need to make the most of each day.
The outlook for May 2017 looks challenging but promising. I will be having some practical help from high school aged youth with deep cleaning my home. I am beginning to learn about server security for the new server which will host this web site. I am getting use to the video camera I mail ordered. I have more work to complete with the modifications to my new power wheelchair. I was also very encouraged from the friendships which formed from relationships at the gym I attend for my physiotherapy. While out doing my errands on April 29th 2017 I was recognized by 5 separate people.