December 2016 Newsletter Edition
As December comes to an end I am uncertain of how my treatment will progress. Much of December 2016 has been very difficult.
On December 20th 2016 I experienced another setback in both of my knee joints. An exercise that should have helped me has severly backfired. I now only have enough use of my knee joints for transfers between my power wheelchair and the toilet, shower, bed lift chair, etc. Thankfully I have a strong relationship with my family doctor. I know he will listen to me when I articulate the setback and it's effects on my quality of life. This appointment is set for January 6th 2017.
The time I spent with two friends from my time in Bible college during the Christmas holiday was wonderful. Both know of my physical limits and were very good to me while we visited. Equally the time I spent with my dad and his wife was nice. With his liver cancer being pallative (uncureable) I value the time I am able to spend with him.
The month ended with one of my big concerns being addressed. I've been approved for an emergency housing grant I applied for at the start of November 2016. I am not as concerned about having enough money to pay my bills. In June 2016 the division of the Ontario Canada Government responible for social assistance held a press conference. They acknowledged the benefit rate is about $600 a month below the poverty line and hope to lessen the gap in 2018. I hope this will bring an end to the financial concerns I have.