My Oven Has Been Checked And Is Safe
[ Thursday March 21st 2019 at 2:12 pm ]
Sunday evening my smoke detector went off. It lasted just for 15 seconds. Initially I thought I may have left the rice cooker on. This wasn't the case. I called the emergency phone number and had the local fire department to my home. I am not able to do this because of my physical challenges. After checking my home they declared my home safe.
About an hour after they left I was looking at the electronics around the smoke detector that went off. I saw evidence that my computer network router over heated. The plastic has changed from white to a shade of betweeen yellow and brown. There was a smell coming from it. I did some research and ordered a replacement to decommision it.
But I had lingering doubts if my oven had a minor valve leak in my natural gas cooking range oven. I didn't know for sure. I shut the gas off to my oven and arranged for a sniffer test. The leak test has occurred. The oven is safe. I wanted this to happen for my peace of mind. I wanted the "sniffer" device to decide since it is impartial. The technician who attended my home today was respectful, graceful and understanding of me.