Reached Out To The Local College And Second Hand Store To Donate My Sofa
[ Monday February 11th 2019 at 10:47 am ]
I am looking to get rid of my sofa. I haven't been using it. I require a lift chair to sit on. What is a much better match for me is the use of folding chairs for when company is here. The sofa has simply occupied space in my home.
Before I simply dispose of it I would like to try and find another home.
- A local community college is one option suggested to me. Specifically I want to offer this for use in a dorm or sitting area for students. I've reached out to the local community college with my offer and will see if it is of interest.
- I've also reached out to a second hand store. This is another option to re-home it. This would put the money back into the computer through low income housing support projects.
I'll see what comes of this.