Overpayment Resolved With My Disability Pension
[ Wednesday December 19th 2018 at 1:25 pm ]
The inheritance installment I received has made me ineligible for one of my disability pensions for the month of December 2018. I just met with my disability case worker. I've reimbursed the financial component of my December 2018 benefit. Everything is set in motion for this to resume in January 2019.
I've also submitted my 2018 ledger to my case worker. I am declaring a loss with my home business. During 2018 I acquired most of the office equipment I'll need to write and self publish my books. I've also purchased the supporting computer equipment (including servers) and audio recording equipment to make audio books. What has financed these purchases is a portion of the inheritance. My case worker is supportive of me using the skills I can to work from home.