Purchased A Used Digital Camera
[ Monday December 10th 2018 at 2:14 pm ]
Three weeks ago the camera I've owned since 2004 physically wore out. I've been thinking about what I should do to replace it. The use of photography (especially nature photography) is a really helpful outlet for me. The creative component of this helps me co-exist with my chronic pain.
I ordered a simple “point and shoot” camera. But it is eating at me. I used a comprehensive questionnaire to determine the type of camera the person needs. It asks questions to determine what is a match for the skill set and practical usage. A DSLR camera is what was recommended.
I am very careful with my finances. I don't by any means have an unlimited supply. If I am going to buy a DSLR camera I need to have the proper accessories, storage and portability for it. I've attended my local pawn shop. I've come upon an amazing deal. From what I can work out the camera has a history of about 890 photos from the previous owner. There is no visible sign of wear on the hand grip. It is in remarkable shape. It comes with an 18 to 55mm zoom lens.
Besides the use of photography if I buy the appropriate memory card I will be able to use this to record for my youTube channel. The feedback I receive for my youTube channel is positive. It has been very worth while doing this. If for no other benefit I've encouraged thousands of people. It is completely worth it. I honestly think the things I need to happen are coming together for me.