Did Some Paper Shredding
[ Monday December 3rd 2018 at 3:53 pm ]
I've just completed some paper shredding. It feels good to clean. I've come to really enjoy this. There is more I need to. I've had to triage what is most urgent and then focus on these. Other tasks will fall into place order over time.
The physical chores of running a household have been really challenging through 2018. I was trying to continuing the purging while doing my physiotherapy regime. The physiotherapy was putting me in bed an average of 4 days a week. The rest of the week was consumed in rushing to get everything else done between rests on account of being weak.
The important part of this is that I am making changes to my life as I assess what I am able to reasonable accomplish. Certainly my life is going much better now than at the start of 2018. After I spend these next few months plugging away at my chores and getting caught up with projects I started it will be like hitting the "reset" button. It will be great to no longer have uncompleted projects hanging over my head so to speak.
What I've found that works really well for me is having 1 brain based activity and 1 physical activity on the go at any given time. I start my day working on the physical activity. There is a limited amount I am able to do. Once I reach that point the brain activity gets to my time and effort. I know once I get the backlog of projects cleared I will have a sustainable lifestyle given the challenges of my physical disability.