Beginning Of Setting Up A New Server
[ Sunday November 11th 2018 at 5:22 pm ]
I host my own web sites. This allows for custom software to be installed needed specifically for my application compared to cookie cutter web site hosting. A dedicated server allowing a faster response to delivering the web site by the user in cyber space. Although there is a lot of work up front and some maintenance it is well worth it. I justify this because my quality of life hangs in the balance.
Periodically the server requires maintenance. I faced this situation during this past week. The power supply cooling fan bearings were wearing out and needing immediate replacement. It is best practice to replace the entire power supply. There is a lot of risk in replacing a power supply cooling fan.
I've had an unfortunate accident. After changing out the power supply and powering it up for the first time there was a power surge that destroyed the server. This jump started the installation of the first single board computer server.
There is a lot involved in setting this up. I've made connections who are able to help with this. I certainly don't know all the commands. It will be wonderful to have this setup.
There is only one thing I really don't like about this. I hate starting something new without completing what I have on the go. I can't let the web sites be online for the next 6 months while I finish my existing projects.